Category Archives: Hacks

Inventory Editing Software for Minecraft (UPDATED for 1.8 Adventure Update)

Some people might think that the new creative mode for Minecraft means that there’s no more need for Minecraft inventory editors, but they’d be wrong. Completely wrong, in fact. These in-game and external inventory editors will have you mixing creative and survival just like back in the old days, before hunger bars and spreading moss.

Click here to find inventory editors updated for 1.8!

303’s Minecraft Sky World Hack

Image from rednukleus

Want floating islands in the sky? There’s a hack for that. It’s not techincally a mod, because it’s just one piece of code that 303 discovered will turn on sky world generation.

The hack can be used in one of two ways. Either you can start a new world, which will only have floating islands in the sky, or you can install the mod then open an existing world. Once you travel beyond the terrain already generated, you’ll find a magical sky world just beyond the cliff of dreams.

Link to hack!