Tag Archives: minecraft adventures

Lunar Awakening, Minecraft Adventure Map (Download + Review)

lunar awakening minecraft adventure map statue

Lunar Awakening is a stunning minecraft adventure map set in a fantasy realm that will entrance you beyong imagination. Created by an artist and a poet, this adventure map has a strong sense of story, not just told in notes or books or signs, but in the very blocks it is built with. As you travel through landscapes measureless to man and into the stately domes of your own Lunar Awakening, you will find yourself caught up in an adventure worthy of not just a new year, but a new era in minecraft.

Click for the Lunar Awakening review and download!

The Biggest Minecraft Adventure Map Of All Time

sphere biggest minecraft adventure map

Sphere, a minecraft adventure map, is claiming to be the largest and most polished minecraft adventure map of all time. With an isometric render of the world that will take your breath away, it might just be true. Certainly the Sphere itself is larger than your average adventure map, so imagine how big the world itself must be.

The creator truly has outdone him or herself, as mentioned in this post about the possibility of this map having been created by Marvin the Paranoid Android. At any rate, it is certainly worth a download, if only to see what something large looks like.

Download Sphere, a very large minecraft adventure map!